2010-05-31 – Denville Dog Park – iPhone Camera Shots

Last picture taken on my good camera, the rest are with my iPhone.

When Scarps and Rags arrived at the dog park at 5:30 there was no one there.  I took 5 pictures with my camera and realized I used up all my battery power during the day’s kayak trip on Monksville Reservoir.  Actually, I left the camera on and wasted the battery, but that’s another story.

Scraps and Rags were playing by alone then Darby arrived, followed by Ollie and Grace.  Oh well, I had no pictures to take so I figured there would be no blog posting tonight.  Then a new dog to me and the blog came, Lily the brown-patched poodle?  I therefore wanted to get some pictures so I broke out the iPhone to capture a few moments.  That is my excuse for the bad quality pictures and no link to an external web album with additional photos.  Until next time when I’ll have full battery power and better pictures.

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